


Milestone Map

Periods and milestones will be highlighted in yellow when completed.


First Milestone

Second Milestone

Third Milestone


1: Build a communal firepit.

2: Knapped a set of stone tools

3: Find the ideal location for future settlement.


1: Build at least one temporary structure with mud bricks and grass

2: Each active member has a fur coat.

3: Develop a permanent settlement.


1: Mold and fire pottery for the entire group; create four storage vessels, two cooking pots and eight crocks.

2: Within the settlement, create a megalith monument.

3: Develop at least two agricultural fields.

Early Bronze Age

1: Discover and extract copper ore and tin ore from local sources and begin making bronze tools.

2: Construct rudimentary defensive walls and a moat/ditch around the settlement.

3: Develop comprehensive record-keeping.

Late Bronze Age

1: Create at least four bronze sculptures or trinkets.

2: Establish trading relations with another settlement.

3: Construct a granary for food storage.

Early Iron Age

1: Prospect the local area for iron, establish a proper mine and begin making iron tools.

2:Construct a large communal building that serves as a meeting hall and place for community decision-making.

3: Develop a set of written laws to govern the settlement.

Late Iron Age

1. Ensure that each active member has a full set of iron tools and a set of iron armour

2: Enhance the agricultural fields, ensuring that there are at least eight.

3: Build basic canals for irrigation, transport and urban water supply.

Early Middle Ages

1: Develop a local market for trading goods and services.

2: Further the lunar religion, construct a church and a secluded monastery devoted to la Luna.

3: Improve roads and bridges for better connectivity.

High Middle Ages

1: Implement three-field crop rotation to increase agricultural productivity.

2: Form at least two guilds relating to a trade or profession.

3: Construct a castle or fortress.

Late Middle Ages

1: Develop and begin production of gunpowder and early firearms.

2: Establish town militia and ensure they are properly equipped with armour and firearms.

3: Expand the fields once again to a total of 12 fields and expand upon the already built granaries.


1: Invent(chisel) the printing press and start producing more written materials

2: Found a museum and a university to foster education and innovation.

3: Build a new city hall that makes use of renaissance architecture.

Age of Exploration

1: Create a map of the region using the chisel tool.

2: Build a harbour and develop a navy for trade and defence

3: Explore other continents and bring back exotic goods, plants, and animals to study and cultivate.

Baroque Era

1: Establish a bank.

2: Celebrate the arts by making at least four paintings and or sculptures.

3: Create a lush garden and park within the city.

Industrial Revolution

1: Build a transcontinental railroad network for transportation and trade.

2: Create an electric grid of windmill rotors, connecting and supplying power to the city.

3: Construct an elaborate sewer network and modernize the canals.

Second Industrial Revolution

1: Create an industrial factory.

2: Construct a steamship.

3: Found a newspaper